Bill Henley is a conduit of knowledge.
Throughout his career and personal life, he has sought out opportunities to educate clients and stakeholders with the goal of making their lives better.
He has been a consultant, a project manager, an educator, a youth sports coach, a father, and a journalist. It has been a lifetime of learning from experts and translating those lessons into knowledge that is accessible to others.
His philosophy is that the day he stops looking for new things to learn is the day he starts dying.
Bill has consulted with small- and medium-sized business to help them with business planning, technology upgrades, capital financing, process improvement, document management, organizational development and change, marketing, and communications.
He has worked with businesses in a wide array of industries: Manufacturing, Engineering and Construction, Food processing, Agriculture, Aquaculture, Service industries, Pharmaceuticals, Medical devices, Food service, Education, Defense.
His work is backed by a degree in Advertising, an MBA, Project Management Professional certification, and decades of experience working with people who are passionate about how they choose to invest their time.
Bill was an award-winning journalist. He will ask questions. He will thoughtfully consider your answers. And, then he’ll ask more questions. He will keep chipping away at problems until he and his clients can see a pathway around the obstacles blocking their success.
With an inquisitive mind and an affinity for digging into the details, Bill has a flair for looking at the most efficient ways to build systems that are aligned with the soul of what defines an organization.
Job satisfaction for Bill is helping others unlock their aptitude and grow toward their potential and their happiness.
On a side note, if you need to hit the pause button on Bill’s intense interest in your business, ask him about his dog Rorschach. That will buy you a couple of minutes before he dives back in to help you.