Thank you for your time and effort in helping Lighthouse Solar to “right the ship” and get on a path toward better organization and profitability. Your mentorship and ideas have been both insightful and meaningful for each of us. Though there are many things we don’t like hearing and probably many new tasks or responsibilities that we may not want to do or don’t come naturally, you have made it clear that this information and the methodologies you have helped put into place will better prepare us for the competitive industry in which we are engaged,
Though time will tell and there are many new responsibilities for our management team to tackle, I feel confident that your mentorship over the past couple weeks will help make Lighthouse a viable and sustainable business enterprise going forward. We are generally a very capable group with diverse backgrounds and skill sets. As a result of your help, we should be able to implement more discipline into our organization and run it with singular focus on the health and success of this business.
I have a strong sense of satisfaction from our experience with you and, as president, will work hard to keep our team focused on the program that you have helped set in motion. I look forward to a continued relationship with you and wish you the best in all of your endeavors.